Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS)
Fairspectrum licenses the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) Spectrum Access System (SAS) to customers. The implementation passes all publicly available test cases from WinnForum and ITS.
The Fairspectrum SAS system is fully compatible with the Wireless Innovation Forum SAS Functional architecture. SAS has SAS-CBSD interface to CBSD or CBSDs represented by Domain Proxy. The procedures available for the interface include: registration, deregistration, spectrumInquiry, grant, heartbeat, and relinquishment. SAS has a SAS-to-SAS interface to other SASs according. The functionality of SAS-SAS interface includes: security, record exchange, and synchronization.
The Fairspectrum SAS interfaces with several external databases to acquire the necessary data for SAS. The data is parsed and stored in Fairspectrum SAS database in order to perform computations relevant to the operation of the CBRS system. The data consists of FCC data needed to protect the FSS stations and Grandfathered Wireless Broadband Licensees (GWBL), geographical data relevant for calculating PPAs and Grandfathered Wireless Protection Zones (GWPZ), exclusion zones (EZ) and protection zones (PZ) for protection of federal Incumbent Users, census tracts for PAL management, and US country borders for cross-border interference management.